Wednesday, October 13, 2010

up up and away

have you ever wanted to look out an airplane window and see a landscape you've never seen before instead of looking out your window and seeing your backyard?
have you ever wanted to wake up and hop down to a bakery in France and eat a pastry instead of eating a soggy bowl of cereal?

i have.

i'm pretty tired of being in the United States at the moment. Don't get me wrong, i love my's just that sometimes it gets a little....dull.

i decided that i'm going to open a savings account so that with each paycheck i can put some money into it and in a little while i can take a trip. alone. by myself. somewhere i've never been. maybe greece...or spain...perhaps bali....morocco?

all i will do is simply live, and exist with everything that is around me. i want to see it all, hear it all, taste it all, live it all. it'll just be me and my camera, a backpack, and a good pair of shoes. one day i'll go. one day.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

once upon a time a boy gave a girl a lovely ring...

perhaps you've heard
perhaps you haven't...

i'm engaged!!!!!!
and if i could i would add a million exclamation points to that. i am the luckiest girl in the word because in 7.5 months i am marrying the most brilliant man alive. i could not be any happier. hooray for being engaged

trevor proposed to my in seattle, washington, at alki beach. it was the prettiest night i've ever lived through. his proposal was better than perfect. everything he said was so sincere and beautiful- he was so nervous i thought he might throw up. i wish that i could bottled perfect moments and events like that one and keep it in a pretty chest or on a self so that whenever i wanted i could take it down, open it up and re-live that moment all over again...i guess that's what journals are for.

i've pretty much been on cloud nine ever since the moment he knelt down on one knee and opened up that little red box. i love trevor, i love, love, LOVE him. i think that i've been asleep my whole life and suddenly woke up the very first time he kissed me. and ever since that moment i wake up every day feeling more alive. he's the most amazingly, loving boy i've ever met. things just keep getting better with him.

although, i must say since i flew back home and he went back to school in rexburg life has been a little difficult. it's a million times less fun to talk to someone via skype or wireless phone. but we make it work.
fortunately i drive out to utah the week after general conference with kyle dickson and i'll get to see trevor then, as he'll be in utah that weekend. i'm holding out for that.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


all i want right now is to run into trevor's arms.
5 more days

i wish there was more to report on life
there really is nothing goin on in my life because i have no job and my boyfriend lives hundreds of miles away
i will report back later when there is more

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I'll have a hamburger, large fries and a milkshake to go please

i hate dieting
i really want to eat french fries and brownies covered in sugar. all day, every day.

you know what i don't understand?
i don't understand how my sister haley can eat copious amounts of food and still remain the size of my thumb, while i eat an apple and plump up to the size of a humpback whale
i want to wake up and look in the mirror and say "hey good lookin"
for now i will exercise, exercise, exercise.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

days roll on...

i am home now.
School is over, and the days are loonnnng.
i wish that i had a job to occupy my time. most of the time my days consist of waking up late and pretending that i was at a job doing some kind of work where i got paid $100.00 an hour to do minimal amounts of work....i think i need to get a life. something else that happened recently is i find that being away from a boy named Trevor is harder than i thought it would be
do you remember that phrase, " distance makes the heart grow fonder"? the man that came up with that statement wasn't totally in love I think. perhaps just half way. because what he forgot to mention was that distance also makes the heart hurt...and sometimes cry.

and because of this,most days when i wake up and look out the window all i see is this:

when all i really want to see is a nice semi-cloudy day where i can sit in a pink field with Trevor and talk with him all day.

so as to not be a debbie downer i will supply you with a quick spurt of happiness:
because i am home and have inordinate amounts of time on my hands, i will be, as they say, "blogging" more often. hooray...well, more than i have in the past...which was like once.

Friday, February 12, 2010

How to cook Bratwurst

Hello again.

Because school consumes my life, I have not written in my blog as religiously as I would have hoped. Subsequently, much has happened since we last spoke and this will be quite the blog! Where to start, where to start?

How about happiness? That's always a nice place to start. Currently happiness goes by the name of Trevor James Potter. He's pretty great; I like him a lot. :) We met in my art 101 class and things are swell. We pretty much spend every waking minute together, and I'm not remotely tired of him. Go figure. I find it odd to write about this because it's kind of personal, so well just say that he's wonderful, I'm happy, birds are singing, and the sun is always shinning...have you ever seen "500 days of Summer"? You know that part where Tom is waltzing through town and everyone starts singing and dancing with him? Yeah, life is like that.

Also, for the past week or so the winter olympics have brought me a great deal of happiness. Seriously. I don't think you know just how big of a winter olympics junkie I am. Especially when it comes to figure skating. HELLO LYSACEK!! I have been waiting for that kid to win an olympic gold since before he was born. AND HE FINALLY DID! I'm pretty sure that Trevor thinks I'm a freak because I was constantly yelling and critiquing everyones performances...I think I got a little too into it. Also, interesting to note is that every night this past week my FHE brothers have been over and they stay till cerfew. So basically there's a lot of noise, food, yelling, talking, and flirting. Apparently 75% of my roommates are infatuated with our FHE

Monday, February 1, 2010


I hate being stressed out. Especially over school. I have sooo much to do this weekend I'll probably break down in the middle of one of my classes-- it won't be pretty. I'm particularly stressed about a Russian exam I have on Tue/Wed...I have no idea how the Russian language works, which is kind of a problem. The different cases will be the death of me. I will slowly be dragged down in the murky depths of all the rules and never be able to surface for air. And no, I'm not being over dramatic....

On a lighter note, I'm teaching this week in Sunday school and I'm feeling fairly confidant that it will be better than last weeks lesson. Hopefully this time my mouth won't get so dry that I feel like I'm an 80 year old goat....I'm not sure what I mean by that.
Also, something else that should make this weekend interesting is the fact that I have dates on Friday and Saturday. I'm looking forward to Saturday's date, because both the company and the activity are amazing ( Kyle Dickson and Peking acrobats), but I'm not really looking forward to Friday night's date. The boy ( who we shall simply call "Ted") is the most socially awkward young man I have ever met. He asked me out via notebook during a Tuesday Devotional...I told him I was busy but for some bizarre reason that I can't quite figure out, he thought I was playing hard to get, so he asked me what I was doing the NEXT weekend ( some peoples kids, I swear). Needless to say, because I am too nice and don't know how to hurt people's feelings ( insert rolling eyes here) I agreed to go out with him. I have no idea what were doing or where we are going but he has assured me it will be "aight". I can't wait to find out what "aight" feels like. We'll see what happens.

And now I must sleep, because I am exhausted. Goodnight, Monday.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Megan Slaughter

Attention everyone in the world! Megan Slaughter came to visit this weekend and I got to hang out with her! I love her sooo much!! We had so much fun this weekend!! Meg and my old roommate Melissa Hart were both here and it was the best weekend I've had in a long time. We basically just hung around and played board games and laughed the whole time. It was UH-mazing. I love Meg more than chocolate soup. She is the apple of my eye. We always have so much fun when were together! Everything that comes out of her mouth is hilarious--my brother needs to marry her. It was a little more than depressing when she had to leave. Good thing I get to see her in 2 weeks!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

College Life

I'm finally starting my 2nd year at BYU -IDAHO!! I can't believe it. I'm still living at Colonial House and I love love LOVE all my roommates!! There are currently six of us living in one apartment and we all get along great! I recently got called to be the gospel doctrine teacher in my ward and I'm scared to death!! I've already taught once and it seemed to go alright! I teach every other weekend so I'm constantly planning lessons. :)

Classes are going well enough, I'm taking 16 credits this semester so homework is something that never seems to end. I'm pretty sure that my Russian class will be the death of me. I'm taking the class with my roommate Tiffany, if it wasn't for her i would fail that class. By far my favorite class is my Math class. Apparently its "math for the real world", which I'm finding out to be very true. We are learning about how to calculate mortgage payments, figure out interest rates on Checking accounts and CD's, etc. It's actually really interesting.

I'm feeling pretty good about this semester!! Hopefully everything works out splendidly!! :D