Friday, February 12, 2010

How to cook Bratwurst

Hello again.

Because school consumes my life, I have not written in my blog as religiously as I would have hoped. Subsequently, much has happened since we last spoke and this will be quite the blog! Where to start, where to start?

How about happiness? That's always a nice place to start. Currently happiness goes by the name of Trevor James Potter. He's pretty great; I like him a lot. :) We met in my art 101 class and things are swell. We pretty much spend every waking minute together, and I'm not remotely tired of him. Go figure. I find it odd to write about this because it's kind of personal, so well just say that he's wonderful, I'm happy, birds are singing, and the sun is always shinning...have you ever seen "500 days of Summer"? You know that part where Tom is waltzing through town and everyone starts singing and dancing with him? Yeah, life is like that.

Also, for the past week or so the winter olympics have brought me a great deal of happiness. Seriously. I don't think you know just how big of a winter olympics junkie I am. Especially when it comes to figure skating. HELLO LYSACEK!! I have been waiting for that kid to win an olympic gold since before he was born. AND HE FINALLY DID! I'm pretty sure that Trevor thinks I'm a freak because I was constantly yelling and critiquing everyones performances...I think I got a little too into it. Also, interesting to note is that every night this past week my FHE brothers have been over and they stay till cerfew. So basically there's a lot of noise, food, yelling, talking, and flirting. Apparently 75% of my roommates are infatuated with our FHE

Monday, February 1, 2010


I hate being stressed out. Especially over school. I have sooo much to do this weekend I'll probably break down in the middle of one of my classes-- it won't be pretty. I'm particularly stressed about a Russian exam I have on Tue/Wed...I have no idea how the Russian language works, which is kind of a problem. The different cases will be the death of me. I will slowly be dragged down in the murky depths of all the rules and never be able to surface for air. And no, I'm not being over dramatic....

On a lighter note, I'm teaching this week in Sunday school and I'm feeling fairly confidant that it will be better than last weeks lesson. Hopefully this time my mouth won't get so dry that I feel like I'm an 80 year old goat....I'm not sure what I mean by that.
Also, something else that should make this weekend interesting is the fact that I have dates on Friday and Saturday. I'm looking forward to Saturday's date, because both the company and the activity are amazing ( Kyle Dickson and Peking acrobats), but I'm not really looking forward to Friday night's date. The boy ( who we shall simply call "Ted") is the most socially awkward young man I have ever met. He asked me out via notebook during a Tuesday Devotional...I told him I was busy but for some bizarre reason that I can't quite figure out, he thought I was playing hard to get, so he asked me what I was doing the NEXT weekend ( some peoples kids, I swear). Needless to say, because I am too nice and don't know how to hurt people's feelings ( insert rolling eyes here) I agreed to go out with him. I have no idea what were doing or where we are going but he has assured me it will be "aight". I can't wait to find out what "aight" feels like. We'll see what happens.

And now I must sleep, because I am exhausted. Goodnight, Monday.