perhaps you haven't...
i'm engaged!!!!!!
and if i could i would add a million exclamation points to that. i am the luckiest girl in the word because in 7.5 months i am marrying the most brilliant man alive. i could not be any happier. hooray for being engaged
trevor proposed to my in seattle, washington, at alki beach. it was the prettiest night i've ever lived through. his proposal was better than perfect. everything he said was so sincere and beautiful- he was so nervous i thought he might throw up. i wish that i could bottled perfect moments and events like that one and keep it in a pretty chest or on a self so that whenever i wanted i could take it down, open it up and re-live that moment all over again...i guess that's what journals are for.
i've pretty much been on cloud nine ever since the moment he knelt down on one knee and opened up that little red box. i love trevor, i love, love, LOVE him. i think that i've been asleep my whole life and suddenly woke up the very first time he kissed me. and ever since that moment i wake up every day feeling more alive. he's the most amazingly, loving boy i've ever met. things just keep getting better with him.
although, i must say since i flew back home and he went back to school in rexburg life has been a little difficult. it's a million times less fun to talk to someone via skype or wireless phone. but we make it work.
fortunately i drive out to utah the week after general conference with kyle dickson and i'll get to see trevor then, as he'll be in utah that weekend. i'm holding out for that.